Monday, 28 March 2011

Idea # 1

For my first idea I have used Alicia Keys 'As I am' album as an inspiration. For my front cover, there would be an extreme close up of Hannahs face which will take up the whole of the panel. I think that having an extreme close up would be a good idea because it will sell Hannah as an artist and emphasise her beauty. Obviously, I would put make up on Hannah because I'm portraying a Pop/RnB genre where 'sexy' make-up and flowing hair is typical of these artists.

The main thing that I think I would have to do is Smokey eyes, nude lipstick and highlight her features such as cheekbones, browline and nose. I have chosen to do this type of make up because from my research into DigiPaks and music videos, this 'look' is apparent in all. 

The title 'Grenade' would clearly be displayed in capitals over the image of Hannah. A clear title is necessary so it is eye-catching to the audience.

For the inside panels, I thought of an idea which could continue between the panels so when the Digipak would open up you would see a series of continuous images. As the title is 'Grenade', there would be a background of loads of colourful explosions for the inside panels. Over the background would be three images of Hannah dancing in positions which would exploit her curves and figure. I got this inspiration from Beyonces albums as in most her digipaks there are pictures where she is odd positions which work well for both the camera and her curves. 

All the images used in the digipak would be coloured and Hannah would wear a black dress with wavy hair to look appealing.

On the panel which would fold inside, there would not be  an image of Hannah but an image of explosions much like the panels on the inside.

The back cover is very simple, it would be a plain balck background with the titles of the songs written in white. The font would  be a soft 'girly' font which would hopefully appeal to the target audience which is girls. 

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