Wednesday 30 March 2011

Conventions of a magazine album advert

The conventions of a magazine Digipak advert  are (that I will have to follow):
  • The release date of the Digipak will clearly be displayed
  • There is usually a small picture of the Digipak within the advert
  • The adverts main picture is usually either an image that can be found in the Digipak (symbolic image relating to the album or of the artist) or a separate image of the artist that has no relation to the Digipak
  • Exclusive or popular tracks which are on the Digipak are often printed on the advert
  • The Digipak title and name of the artist clearly displayed too
  • The price of the Album - not all adverts I came across displayed the price on their advert
  • The places where you can purchase the album
  • Bold fonts are used
All magazine advertts differ, depending on  what style and look the artist and record label want to go for. However, the basic cinventions that you will find on any magazine adverts are : The title - A main picture (artist or symbollic image) - release date - Preview of Digipak and Artist Name

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